1.0 - Minimum Spanning Trees
Consider laying cable (e.g. for the NBN)
- Create a connected network of houses that uses the least amount of cable.
- Assume that the speed of the cable is fast, i.e. the distance from house-to-house is irrelevant (we aren’t looking for the shortest paths
We are given an undirected, weighted graph with weights such that:
- Vertices represent houses to be connected to the NBN network
- For each edge , the weight is the cost of laying the cable from house to .
- We want to find an acyclic subset that:
- Connects all of the vertices in such that the total weight is minimised.
- a connected, undirected, weighted graph
- Weights , where is the weight of the edge from to
a subset of , that forms a spanning tree (connected acyclic subgraph of ) that contains all vertices of (spanning) and is of minimal weight:
The smallest connected, undirected, weighted graph with more than one minimum spanning tree are three connected vertices, with equally weighted edges.
1.1 - Generic Construction of a MST
💡 Incrementally construct T which is a set of edges, and which will eventually become a MST of G
genericMST(G, w):
T = Graph() # Empty
while T is not a spanning tree
// invariant: T is a subset of some MST of G
find an edge (u, v) that is safe for T // new edge added forms a new T that
// is also a subset of a MST for the graph
T = T ∪ {(u, v)}
return T
- We want to figure out how to “greedily” choose edges to add to T - choose the edges in an efficient way.
1.1 - Prim’s Algorithm
🌱 Guaranteed to form a MST at the end of the algorithm if we choose least-weighted edges connected to our graph.
T is always a tree (a connected acyclic sub-graph of G):
Initially, T is chosen to contain any one vertex from G.V
At each step, the least-weight edge leaving T is added
The algorithm stops when T is spanning.
How do we (efficiently) find the least-weight edge leaving T?
Maintain a priority queue, Q containing vertices (all vertices that are not in tree)
For each :
- the least weight of an edge connecting v to T
- the vertex adjacent to v on that least-weight edge (parent)
where is the first vertex chosen for
1.1.1 - Priority Queues
A priority queue Q maintains a set S of elements, each associated with a key, denoting its priority
- In a min-priority queue, an element with the smallest key has the highest priority
Operations are available to:
insert(Q, x)
Insert an element , with key into Qextract_min(Q)
Removes and returns the element of Q with the smallest keydecrease_key(Q,x,k)
decreases the key of x in Q to the value k
We have the possible implementations of priority queues, and their associated time complexities:
Unsorted List PQ
- Insert
- extract_min(Q)
- decrease_min(Q, x, k) given you have a reference to the object
Sorted List PQ
- Insert
- extract_min(Q) Remove element at start of list
- decrease_key(Q, x, k) Decrease key, re-sort list.
Heap (Complete Tree)
- Insert
- extract_min(Q)
- decrease_key(Q, x, k)
As it is a complete tree, the height of the tree
1.1.2 - Implementation of Prim’s Algorithm Using PQ
- Operates on a graph G, with weights w at a start vertex r
MST_Prim(G, w, r)
for each v ∈ G.V
// v.key: least edge weight connecting v to T
v.key = infinity
//vertex adjacent to v in T on least edge
v.pi = NULL
r.key = 0 // Initially set to highest priority in PQ
while Q ≠ ∅
// invariant: T is a subset of some MST of G
// where T = {(v, v.pi) : v \in V-{r}-Q
u = extract_min(Q)
// Need to re-compute the priority of edges in sub-MST
// as we have changed the minimum spanning tree -priorities
// might have changed
for each v ∈ G.Adj[i] // "Edge relaxation process"
if v ∈ Q and w(u, v) < v.key
v.key = w(u, v) // Decrease the key
v.pi = u
1.1.3 - Prim’s Algorithm in Practice
- Firstly begin with all vertices red (in the priority queue) with infinite weights, except for our initial vertex, which we assign a priority of 0.
- We first remove the vertex with the highest priority
- Also, need to update the priority of the adjacent vertices using edge relaxation; improving weights
- Choose the next vertex with highest priority
- Update the weights of the vertices using the edge relaxation process
- Choose the next vertex with highest priority.
- Update weights - notice 12→6, 10→8 - even though relaxed once, can be relaxed further
- Choose next vertex with highest priority
- Update weights of adjacent vertices.
1.1.4 - Performance of Prim’s Algorithm
Q <- V
key[v] <- ∞ for all v ∈ V
key[s] <- 0 for some arbitrary s ∈ V
while Q ≠ ∅:
do u <- extract_min(Q)
for each v ∈ Adj[u]
do if v ∈ Q and w(u, v) < key[v]
then key[v] <- w(u, v)
π[v] <- u
- We know that the initialisation process (lines 1-3) take time:
- Insertion of all of the vertices in the priority queue can be completed in time if inserted intelligently - all of our start vertices have a priority of except for our start vertex so inserting the start vertex intelligently is all it takes to achieve time.
- Additionally, the two for loops can similarly be completed in time.
- The outermost while loop is executed times, as each vertex is removed from the queue once.
- This also means that we perform extract_min(Q) operations (in time)
- The for-loop iterates at most times, which is the amount of vertices adjacent to it.
- We perform some constant-time operations (i.e. checks in if statement) and may optionally perform a decrease-key operation of time
- Through the handshaking lemma, we know that we’re implicitly performing decrease-key operations
Ultimately, the performance of the algorithm depends on the implementation of the priority queue.
PQ Implementation Total unsorted array binary heap fibonacci heap amortised $O(1) $ amortised worst case as
Since as the graph is connected, we can write
Fibonacci heaps are very complicated data structures to implement, and have large associated constant factors such that in practice it isn’t really used.