COMP3702 - Artificial Intelligence

Lecture Tutorial
Module 0 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
1 - Introduction to AI and Rational Agents
Module 1 - Search Algorithms
2 - Blind and Uninformed Search Algorithms 1 - Agent Design Problem
3 - Informed / Heuristic Search 2 - Agent Design Problem Implementation
Module 2 - Reasoning and Planning with Certainty
4 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems 3 - Search Algorithms
5 - Logic, Proposition and Inference 4 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Module 3 - Reasoning and Planning under Certainty
6 - Probability and Decision Theory 5 - Logic, Proposition and Inference
7 - Markov Decision Processes 6 - Markov Chains
8 - MDP Approximations and Refinements 7 - Markov Decision Processes
Module 4 - Learning to Act
9 - Exploration vs Exploitation, Reinforcement Learning 8 - Monte Carlo Tree Search
10 - SARSA and VFA for RL 9 - Multi-Armed Bandits
11 - Deep Reinforcement Learning 10 - Multi-Armed Bandits Continued
12 - Reasoning about Other Agents 11 - Deep Q Networks